This T-shirt gives audiences a sense that they are Katy Perry's fans which gives off a Star Persona as well as the many other products Katy Perry has to offer.
Similar bands the audiences may also like would include:
The Spice Girls - As this band are a young group of girls with a young modern fashion sense, which is similar to our video with the modern look.
Audiences read about music through magazines and articles which are posted throughout the internet. These usually state the bands future plans about their tours and shows their new clothing range, this is to encourage the audiences to purchase their tour tickets as well as their new clothing items.
Audiences can access music through a number of ways, but the most popular way would be through itunes as this company produces just over £6.9 Billion per year, this is were the audience can purchase single tracks which can automatically be put onto their music library. However, audiences use Youtube through the internet to listen to songs for free, but adverts are often included at the start of the video.
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