Sunday 3 November 2013

Rough Cut- Questionnaire

I showed our rough cut to four friends and family members and asked them a short questionnaire. This is to give us a variety of opinions from different age groups. They have also gave us feedback on how they feel we could improve and engage the audience for the whole duration of our music video.

What did you like about our music video?

  • The storyline was simple and kept me interested. I liked that you have added a touch of humour which was shown through the boy falling in the bush and the split screen effects.
  • The shots were short and snappy along with the beat of the music. Made it engrossing.
  • There was a storyline which was easy to pick up and kept me interested for the duration of the music video. I really liked the split screen effects which made the whole video look more appealing.
  • I like that there is an introduction before the music begins which gave me an idea of the storyline. The introduction also didn't go on too long enough so that I lost interest before the actual music video had began.

Is there anything you disliked about it?

  • There were a lot of different shot types filmed outside but the same shot of the two girls lip-syncing was used over and over again. This made it a little boring.
  • The lighting wasn't that great in some of the shots, it was hard to see what was happening.
  • There wasn't really an ending to the music video, it just finishes with the girls lip-syncing. I was expecting a shot which continued with the storyline.
  • It was a little dull seeing the same shots of the girls over and over again.

Do you think we should incorporate more shot types within our final product?

  • Definitely. Particularly of the two girls lip-syncing as the only footage of them is a close up. Maybe incorporate some side angles.
  • Yes, as seeing the same close up of the girls gets a little dull.
  • Yes I think you should mainly of the two girls lip-syncing as that is the footage in which there is only one shot type included. You could also maybe film more shot types outside.
  • Yes maybe take a few shots of the girls from side angles and high angles to add variety.

Do you think we should film more shots in different locations?

  • Yes, in some shots it is a little obvious that the footage filmed outside was taken in around the same area.
  • It isn't a necessity but I think by filming in more locations will add variety.
  • Yes, more locations will keep the viewer interested for the duration of the music video.
  • Yes as I think even more locations will encourage the viewer to continue watching the video.

How would you describe the personality of the artists in our rough cut?

  • They come across as lively due to the energy put into their performance to the camera.
  • They seem energetic as they're moving to the beat of the music and also smiling during the lip-syncing scene. It shows that they're not too serious.
  • I think they seem a little care-free as to what anyone thinks as they escape from the dinner party scene to go and do their own thing. They also aren't made out to come across as serious.
  • They seem to be very jumpy and cheerful, especially in the shots of them lip-syncing.

What would attract you more to our video?

  • By improving the quality of the lighting in a lot of your shots so that me and other people are able to understand what is happening.
  • More shot types would definitely be a good idea as it will keep me and other viewers interested for the full 4 minutes of your music video.
  • Maybe add more effects into your overall footage to make it even more visually interesting.
  • More shot types and changes in location.
Overall I feel the feedback I had received was in some aspects quite positive. The audiences I showed our rough cut to  were fascinated by the use of editing techniques we used in our music video, particularly the split screen. From this we plan to re-film some of the shots in which the lighting isn't that great and film some new shots such as side angles of the girls lip-syncing and even more variety of shots during the outside footage. When it comes to editing, we will continue to cut to the beat with the music and if we have enough time, we may chose to add text.

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