Saturday 23 November 2013

Response to feedback on final music video

We showed our final music video to groups in our class who understood the task we were given. I feel we received a lot of positive feedback mainly focusing on our good use of editing. Many of these comments included that we always cut between shot on the beat of the music and the use of split screens made the whole music video a lot more visually interesting and added a comedic touch, which was what we had hoped.

We also received few negative comments which centred around the unsteady camera in a lot of shots and the harsh lighting. One comment that stood out to me was that the lighting and the locations for the performance scenes. I do feel that if we filmed more footage of the performance scenes in a variety of locations it would have made our final music video more visually interested and would have enticed our audience for longer.

The marking criteria for level four is:

  • Shooting material appropriate to the task set; including controlled use of the camera, attention to framing, variety of shot sizes and close attention to mise en scene.
  • Editing so that meaning is apparent to the view and making selective and appropriate use of shot transitions, captions and other effects.
  • Recording and editing sound with images appropriately.
I believe we have met the criteria for level four as we have paid close attention to the use of camera and framing. We have taken a huge variety of shot types from simple close-ups and wide angles to hand-held and low angles. We have concentrated on the mise en scene of our footage and have always linked it with the pop genre such as the lighting is always bright and in some shots, there is a golden light created by the torch and reflector. The costumes worn particularly by the girls emphasises the pop genre as they are dressed in party wear throughout the duration of our music video.

I feel our use of editing works well in our video so that the narrative is obvious for our viewers. We have used made use of transitions such as fades between shots of the girls applying make up in the bathroom which shows the audience that time is passing. Moreover, the use of the split screen effect that appears more than once in our final music video helps to emphasise the comedic element of our music video.

We did not record any extra sounds due to the fact the majority of our music video would be of the chosen song although if we were to do this project again we could maybe incorporate some sound such as foley or simple dialogue during the introduction of our music video. In addition, the editing of our chosen track went very well as the lip-sync was in time with the lyrics. We also used the appropriate footage with the soundtrack such as we used shots of Brianna and Siobhan running during the section of the lyrics 'run, run, run.'

Overall, I am very happy with the feedback received from our final music video and feel that our final music video has been successful as we have managed to link it to the three points of Goodwin's Theory that we had planned to. We have linked the visuals and lyrics together as stated above through appropriate footage during particular parts of the soundtrack. Additionally, we have linked the music and visuals are the music is an upbeat pop song which is emphasised through the liveliness and energy of the two artists. Furthermore, I feel we have made a successful attempt at selling the artist as the two girls are almost always the subject of each shot especially in the performance scenes as shown through close-ups.

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