Monday, 30 September 2013

Shot list for The Saturdays - Ego

The Saturdays - Ego Shot list: (0.45-1.45)

Shot 1. Close up of Frankie and Una. Slight movement to the right then to the left.
Shot 2. Extreme close-up of Molly.
Shot 3. Medium Shot of Molly. Slowly zooming further out.

Shot 4. High angle of Frankie.
Shot 5. Close up of Rochelle. Slight movement to right and then to left a little.
Shot 6. Medium shot of Una? tearing the poster off the wall.
Shot 7. Extreme close up of Molly.
Shot 8. Medium shot of Una walking towards the camera and taking off her jacket. Slight panning backwards.

Shot 9. Extreme close up of picture burning.
Shot 10. Back to the same medium shot of Una walking towards camera.
Shot 11. Another extreme close up of picture burning.
Shot 12. Medium shot of man. Zooming out slowly at first, then the speed is increased. Camera focuses on Frankie walking towards camera from the crowd.

Shot 13. High angle of Frankie.

Shot 14. Close up of Frankie.
Shot 15. Back to high angle of Frankie. Slight camera movement to the left.
[Shot 16. Medium shot of Frankie clicking her fingers.

Shot 17. Close-up of man taking the photograph.
Shot 18. Extreme close up of flash lens of camera.
Shot 19. Medium shot of man taking photograph.]
Shot 20. Medium shot of man (from shot 12) with his hands up. Flashes from camera.
Shot 21. Medium shot of Molly.
Shot 22. Extreme close up of Molly.
Shot 23. Back to medium shot of Molly. Slow zooming in.
Shot 24. Extreme close up of Vanessa's eyes. An effect turns them white.

Shot 25. Medium shot of Una against wall. Slight movement to the right.
Shot 26. Close up of Vanessa's face, panning around her from left to her back.
Shot 27. Low angle of Vanessa's hands from behind.
Shot 28. Extreme close up of Vanessa's hands.

Shot 29. Wide angle shot of the man and crowd.
Shot 30. Extreme close up of someones hands.

Shot 2 and 3 stood out to me because although they are two simple shots, extreme close-up and mid shot, by putting them both in the final music video has varied the amount of different shot types there are. By doing this, it makes it visually interested for the audience and makes them want to watch it for the full duration time. Shot 13, a high angle of one of the band members, also adds variety to the shot types used in the music video. We have been influenced by these three shots and we plan to incorporate a  variety of different shot types and different angles like this into our music video.

Another shot we could include in our video is similar to shot 8, a shot of me or Siobhan walking towards the camera lip-syncing. The camera could also pan backwards slightly.

Shot 12 is another one I was interested in. Particularly due to the camera movement. I really liked that it zoomed out from an actor in the music video to focus onto a band member who was walking towards the camera. I also like the fact that the speed was increased when zooming out. We could maybe increase the speed of the clips in some of our music video to fit the beat of the music.

I like the variety of shots between 16-19. It goes from a medium shot, to a close up, to an extreme close up and then back to a medium shot between 1.23 and 1.26. It fits with both the speed of the song and the shots change at the beat.

The effect used in shot 24 that changes Vanessa's eyes to complete white goes well with the change of speed in the music in the build up to the chorus. We may not be able to incorporate a similar effect into our final music video due to not being experienced on Adobe Premiere Pro but this shot has given me the idea for us to add some effects to make our music video more visually interesting.

The simple extreme close-up of hands in shot 28 has given me the idea to include more variety of different shots. As an alternative to close-ups of us lip-syncing and medium shots of us running, we could get footage of other parts of us such as our feet running past the camera.

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