Friday 13 December 2013

Evaluation Questions

Question 1

Our music video and ancillary texts have similarities and differences with real media products. Our product is similar because it conforms in many ways to Goodwins points of analysis, however our video in particular also challenges several stereotypes and conventions of both music videos in general, but more specifically the pop genre.

Our video and more specifically our digipack conform very strongly in parts to the conventions of the pop genre by having two girls as the focus of the product, despite there being a twist to this the fact still remains that they are the focus of the target audiences attention. You can see this in our video for example in places like this in our video:
-The lighting illuminates the girls faces whilst darkening the background, drawing attention to them.
-The camera is positioned so that the girls appear taller, increasing their stature and their importance to the spectator.

This theme is recurring in both our ancillary texts, we can see the clear focus on the girls in both our digipack and our magazine advert.
-Focus again on illuminating the faces
-Made more evident my medium close up shot
-Costume change with hair styles

Despite this, our product also very strongly challenges gender stereotypes, as in our video we can clearly tell that the girls are the ones in the position of power as the boys are constantly getting injured and failing to catch up with the girls. 
-Here we can see Peter falling over a barrier as he attempts to chase the girls.
-He falls down which is symbolic as his level goes down so does his characters connection with the audience as it is desired to draw a comedy effect from the spectator.

Another way that our video challenges the stereotypes of the pop genre is by doing as is shown above and making the narrative a comedy about two boys chasing after two girls who have snuck out of a dinner party with them, the comedy is exaggerated by having many problems face the two boys as they go. For instance, there is a scene where we use split screen in order to show the chase taking place but confuse the audience by having an extreme close up of both the boys feet and the girls feet but going in different directions
- The use of the same setting with two pairs of feet running shows the close nature of the chase
- Also, by not changing the lighting, we can emphasise the fact that the scene is taking place late at night

In summary, our video conforms to pop conventions by highlighting the night life and focusing on two girls as the main characters. However at the same time, our video is less serious and is more orientated around comedy, also we have the two boys in the video being made fun of and humiliated which is not a very common feature in pop videos.

Question 2

Our main product (music video) and our ancillary texts (digipack and magazine advert) compliment each other well to create a rounded package for the target genre and audience. This is in the sense that we maintain the same style and image for both so that their is consistency in our final product.

Question 3

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